Monday, February 22, 2010

things i have made

So the cuteness of the sleeping bag bear completely inspired me and I spent Saturday night knitting up a storm... and knitting, and knitting. It's a bit hard to tell from the photograph, but the beanie ended up being monstrously large! Some could say that my understanding of gauge has a ways to go.

Fortunately, S has an enormous head! I will put up clearer photos later in the week, if I get a chance to take some under better lighting conditions.

PS Mum, those ears are CROCHETED, not knitted!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you suggesting that will make it easier?

  3. Just that I am easing into the world of crochet ... slowly! Next stop: the baby beanie.

  4. Oh - I misunderstood as the ears on this one are a bit hard to see. I thought you meant the ears on the baby beanie. So well done - you have ACTUALLY completed some serious crochet?
