Tuesday, May 22, 2012

gran the comedian

autumn gardening

today I finally got a chance to put up my autumn seeds - cukes, broad beans, sage and basil. 
 I was aided and abetted, of course, by my number one gardening assistant. (Okay, S - who actually digs and lifts things - might technically be the number one assistant. But there's nothing like the riceball for inspiration!)
 I am so excited to see the garden really starting to come around with the rain and cooler weather. I can't wait for spring to see the explosion of new life.

Monday, May 21, 2012

even on the hardest days

Today was one of those days when nothing worked out how you had planned. The riceball was awake for far too much of the night, having decided that 1am was a great time to start the day. S was running late for work and we were grouchy with each other. My bread didn't rise properly. Basically, I was in a stink, and feeling like being a mama was the hardest job in the world.

And it is, in a lot of ways.

But now that things have taken a turn for the better (thanks mostly to a lovely afternoon visit with Gran): my second loaf is in the oven, and I am sitting down with a cup of tea & some reading, I can look down at this beautiful sleeping boy by my side and think - even on the worst days, being his mama is pretty much amazing.

And just in case you need some proof:


Marcus! What a cutie. I am so excited to be an aunty for the second time, and I just can't wait to meet him. I wish Sydney wasn't so far away! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012