Thursday, April 22, 2010

baked goods

salted caramel slice, for C's birthday. happy birthday lady!!

vote for giovanni

g was in a video clip that is up for best music video in the WAMIs.

vote for him!

Monday, April 19, 2010

baked goods

strawberry shortcake!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

ah, geneva

in the immortal words of huggy bear, you gotta take the rough ...

... with the smooch

holy cute!

a little something for the fans...


today R and I had brunch: more like a food marathon! pastries, fruit salad, juice, yoghurt, coffee and shakshuka! perfect, and delicious, and completely un-genevoise.

he better hurry up and open his squat-cafe.

Friday, April 16, 2010

baked goods

"Ambassador" cupcakes, for Tim's birthday. Raspberry with cream cheese frosting, hundreds and thousands.

alice in wonderland

Last night A came over and cooked me delicious pasta (yay! "egg apples"), after which we went to see Alice in Wonderland. Totally beautiful and yet immediately forgettable, like a video clip.

I was disappointed that it wasn't as dark-and-Burton-y as I had hoped (perhaps I was looking for something a bit more like Neco z Alenky), although A blamed that on the Disney factor.

And what is up with ALL movie versions of Alice in Wonderland mixing up the two books? I suppose I should see it as a nice change that Hollywood isn't pre-judging the outcome of a film and laying the groundwork for the sequel in the first movie. But still, when there is ALREADY a sequel...

Nevertheless - narrative limitations aside - it was undeniably visually stunning (and I didn't even see the 3D version).

Saturday, April 10, 2010


still nursing a flu i picked up in naples, i am laid up in bed today, watching sports night and knitting. but these are inspiring me to get downstairs and get my sew on.

also: i'm hungry. anyone feel like popping over with some chicken soup?

shiny. pretty. things.

geneva really is starting to get shiny for spring. some pretties spotted on my walk home from work.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010